So it’s the last day of 2010 Already! It’s the trend to speak of the top things of the year passing away and then to look forward with a resolute heart (hence “resolutions”) to the year to come.
So not to be left out… My 2010 Tops:
1) Road trips! I loved driving across country from Chicago to SLO and through Utah twice this past year!
2) Becoming a cyclist with my DH, who has always been a cyclist (hence great legs!) We rode almost 2,000 miles in 2010!
My Resolute Heart for 2011:
1) Cycle 3,000 miles
2) The dreams, desires and goals of this year would be guided by listening well to
the Holy Spirit Who lives in me.
I would really encourage you to write down your resolutions, your goals. Commit to them. Review them. Step toward them daily.
You can write them here!
Now seriously people, I want to know what your thoughts are!