We are meant for relationship. We’re born into a family and people are an integral part of life for each of us. Yet our lives get so full of doing that we hardly have time for simply being with people.
No agenda. Just being together.
I’ve had relationships not work well. Lots of reasons that has been true but when something in a relationship doesn’t work smoothly it hurts.
I don’t know about you but my natural inclination is one of two responses: withdraw from the hurt or defend my position. Neither of which moves toward the person to work things out. So the hurt doesn’t get dealt with and then the relationship is broken in some way. Blegh.
I’m learning a different way. The way toward others instead of away from. The Way.
Paul tells us to do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.
This Way is Jesus’s way of being in relationship. Choosing to think of others as more significant than myself is an intentional choice. It’s not natural. But I will say that when I have made that choice the relationship works more smoothly. Following Jesus isn’t just reading your Bible and going to church. Following Jesus means living with different choices, priorities, purpose. Following Jesus closely is living in tandem with Him.
Jesus really is everything.
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