Yesterday when I was writing I had a bunch of thoughts running through my head about the topic of building trust. But I didn’t have a lot of time to capture those ideas.
Today as I sit here with lots of time and face a blank screen, I can’t seem to corral the thoughts that were running around yesterday! It could be the difference in locations. Yesterday I was sitting at our kitchen table in complete silence. Today because of our sharing a car and morning, midday and evening obligations I am using a Starbucks as my writing place. Can you say DISTRACTION???
Not the most ideal setting but here goes. Picking up from yesterday…
Trust is like a muscle. It has to be used to grow. And it has to be strained to get stronger.
Some of you may be like me, with under used trust. We put our trust in what we can do with our hands and minds.
One of the hardest ways for me to trust God has been in the little things; I’ve had my responsibilities: schedules, homework, my work and housework and, and, and…why would I bother God with all of those things?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on you own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.
Unpack this verse a bit with me.
We’re told to Trust in the Lord. How? With ALL our heart (not part, not distracted, ALL)
What else? Don’t lean on, rely on, depend on your own understanding. Why not? I don’t have the whole picture. I don’t see the longview, don’t know the results, don’t know the implications…God who is all knowing and all powerful does.
What else? In ALL your ways ACKNOWLEDGE (recognize He’s there, thank Him, talk with Him) and He will make straight your path.
Trust is developed through experience with someone. How do we learn to trust God?
No Sunday School answers please.
How do we learn to trust God?
In hard places. In hard circumstances. We don’t need trust when life is easy. When things are going smoothly we don’t see our needs.
Perhaps that is why James said Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith(trust) produces endurance…
It’s not easy to trust when it hurts, when we are being strained and stretched. There are so many places in God’s Word that He encourages us to trust Him, to come to Him, to seek Him. He is faithful. He is all knowing. He is all powerful. He is full of mercy and grace.
He is trustworthy.
Go ahead, exercise the muscle of trust.