Life can be so, well, daily.
Routines help get tasks completed. Planning gets more tasks accomplished. Schedules make order of the day. (thanks to ebby for his photo)
That sounds fabulous if you are a do-er.
But what if you’re a feel-er?
You get up when you wake up. You look in the cupboards and fridge for what looks good to eat. You don’t feel like doing the laundry because it’s sunny and you’d rather be outside.
Do-ers read that and respond with the Nike slogan: Just Do It
Feel-ers sense judgment for not being like Do-ers
Do-ers may experience an emptiness, a drudgery to the daily routine.
Feel-ers may experience overwhelm from all that isn’t yet done and not knowing how to get started.
What’s the Difference?
In these examples both Do-ers and Feel-ers have moved away from the balance point.
But what if…
Do-ers schedule “free time” to enjoy a bit of unstructured play?
Feel-ers commit to one regular 10 minute activity every hour; like starting a load of laundry?
What’s the Difference?
If we look at the reality of our day, make one intention for change and take action, then life could slowly come to the balance point of work and play.
Jesus invites us to be intentional in relating with Him. Sharing the stress of the schedule or the frustration with not getting something accomplished is part of that relating with Him.
Learning to lean on Jesus throughout our day is what makes all the difference.
It’s a process of learning along the Way. Are you in process?