My husband was laid off on Thursday. His work was no longer needed by the company. That was it. No severance, no two weeks notice, just work through this Wednesday the end of the pay period and good bye.
Now mind you on that particular day I was in the throes of preparing and finalizing details for a retreat I had been asked to lead on Saturday. So at that time, my response was “Really?!? What a timely distraction from where my mind and heart need to be! It’s obvious God wants to do a great work on Saturday!” I didn’t melt into a puddle of tears, I asked my prayer warrior friends to jump in and I simply trusted God. I didn’t start to worry about what and how and where and why. Not then.
Today however is a new day and the temptation to worry that is common to us all was present again. I found myself swift to my to do list; taking control of the things I knew needed doing that I had in my power to do. Three hours into my day, after neglecting my regular habit of entering into the day slowly by having coffee with Jesus, I stopped midstream and sat down and cried. I cried out my worry, my fear of the unknown, all the pent up hurts from sudden and uncontrolled change in my life to date. And just as suddenly as the flood came on, it receded. I picked up my devotional, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, and read today’s entry:
“Waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected, like golden strands interwoven to form a strong chain. Trusting is the central strand, because it is the response from My children that I desire the most. Waiting and hoping embellish the central strand and strengthen the chain that connects you to Me. Waiting for Me to work, with your eyes on Me, is evidence that you really do trust Me.”
This was a love gift; a tangible reminder of love and provision even when I don’t see HOW. or WHERE. or WHAT. or I don’t know WHY.
GOD, the Maker of the heavens and earth and all created things, KNOWS. He CARES. He reminded me of this picture that I took at Christmas of 2008. It was the first Christmas without both my Mom and Dad. I saw this sign as just that; a sign to remind me that living in the past was just as it reads: Dead End.
In the same way, when I go down the path of thinking about what if? or how will? or why? it’s the same Dead End. The knowing belongs to the One who is Omniscient (All Knowing). What belongs to me is to Trust. Thank you Sarah Young for your writing such a great devotional book. Thank you Lord for Your perfect timing of this gift of words to remind me, and hopefully you as you have read this, that GOD is STILL in CONTROL!
I don’t know details, but I know the One who does! How about you? Where do you put your trust? If you’re in a place of unknowing I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment or email me. We can be in this together!