I’ve been reflecting on this question: What Changes When You’re Brave, Lisa?
I’m wondering if there is a monumental shift of focus?
Do you go out and do courageous acts like this?
Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash
Or this?
Photo by Leio McLaren (@leiomclaren) on Unsplash
Although I think these images demonstrate two women being brave in big ways, I don’t think these are the only ways people change when they’re being brave. We change in ways that often go unseen.
We change inside. To be brave means we need courage. The latin root of courage is cor which is heart.
(photo by Lisa Lewis)
Courage is an act of heart. Being brave means we have an internal shift away from staying stuck in fear of _____________ and a movement toward demonstrating the strength of heart that it takes to be brave.
Where can we find strength of heart?
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26
As I’ve considered what’s been shifting for me through reading Annie F. Downs’ 100 Days to Brave,
what stands out are the ways God is helping me be more honest with myself, seeing areas that still need changing, without diminishing the challenge that change brings, or without disregarding the work I’ve put in so far. His grace toward me, toward you is never ending. I am so thankful.
Did you know that she has started another 100 Days to Brave Facebook group? Check it out!
But even with reading her great devotional for the past 98 days, what keeps me from bravely doing the next right thing on any given day? At any given moment?
I’ve narrowed it down to one of two things: fear of failure and/or expectations. The fear of failure keeps me from trying to make a change. Expectations are just loaded with potential landmines to step in; they usually look like disappointing myself or someone else by not being good enough.
I’ve been putting into practice some coaching techniques I know; testing them out on myself to see if they will be helpful for others. And guess what? They’re working!
Like anything we do that is new, the first time we try the new thing, we may meet with resistance; either from inside or outside ourself. Either way, the resistance to change is where we need to apply courage to push through the resistance.
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
Because the focus of my coaching is helping women connect the dots of work, life and faith, I see the need for tools to help us apply what we may already know. We still allow resistance to hold us back from connecting the dots and seeing the Way to live wholeheartedly. This can be what changes when we’re brave. Facing the resistance and pushing through to the other side.
Years ago when I was considering the name for this website, it struck me that all of life is about learning. But wholehearted living is learning to live along the Way, with a capital W. The question for me centers on how do I live a regular life keeping my eyes on Jesus? How did He live His earthly life? And now that the Helper has taken up residence in me, how am I to live as I continue learning along the Way?
With this question in mind, I’ve been putting together a course, a series of lessons with activities focusing on learning to let go of expectations and fears and learning to lean in toward the unique path Jesus has for each of us.
Lots of people develop courses and put them up for sale. I’d like to do that too eventually. But first, I’d like to run a Beta test group and I want to offer the course free to you, my dear readers.
What have you got to lose?
This course will be six weeks in length. There aren’t grades. But like anything, you will get out of the course what you put into it. But I do want your feedback. I value suggestions. I want to know if you think there needs to be more or less material in different topics that we’ll encounter. Or if you think of something fun to add to what is already in place. That’s what a beta tester does. Gets great stuff for free and then gets to give their opinions and helpful input.
Will you help me?
All you need to do is respond to this post by Friday, Jan. 11.
You’ve given me your email already. I won’t be talking about the course here weekly, you’ll receive the material in a separate email.
The start date will be next Monday, Jan. 14.
So, who’s in?