Change in our souls can be subtle. So subtle that we may not even take notice for some time.
Come to think of it, change is often subtle with things like our weight loss or strength training or distance we can run/walk or gardening.
We don’t see the changes even from one day to the next. Change can be so slow we forget to stay in the process. Or we give up because we don’t see any progress.
It’s counter intuitive to think that change happens when we rest.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that activity, action, production, achievement, progress are all gained by constant motion.
That’s a lie from the pit of Hell.
There. I said it.
So what is the opposite of constant motion and production?
I’ve been reading a new book, Finding Spiritual Whitespace, by Bonnie Gray of FaithBarista. That I am reading a new book is not surprising; I’m known for reading. And doing. And producing.
Not known for resting.
But I have gleaned 3 subtle changes (so far!) that happen when we rest.
1) Your trust level is challenged
Trust that whatever you are saying ‘No’ to will not cause the end of the world as you know it. I know that may sound ridiculous but what are the reasons you don’t say No more? For me it’s Fear. Fear of missing out. Fear of not being thought well of by others. Fear of being called lazy. Fear of letting someone down. All because of saying ‘No’ and taking care of my soul.
My trust level is challenged every time I choose soul rest over a task. It helps me to plan gaps of discretionary time in the day but schedules don’t always allow that luxury. Trusting that pushing the pause button won’t cause the end of the world is BIG. But so worth it. It’s getting easier over time, but the change is subtle.
2) Your ability to let go is called into question
We’ve all seen the bumper stickers ahead of us, “Let Go and Let God”. They may be so familiar that we respond with ‘yeah right’ because we believe “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.” This is the place where prioritizing rest, spiritual whitespace, really started poking me. Who else will go to the store for groceries? Who else will get _________ done if I don’t?
What if getting __________ done isn’t as important in the big scheme of things? (where God’s priorities are) What if I take the risk of letting that task go…for now…to allow my soul to listen to the still small voice for even a few moments? What if?
3) Your willingness to listen to Jesus’ invitation to rest is also brought out of the dusty recesses of your mind & heart
You may know this verse by heart, “Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Knowing a verse by heart and living out the Truth are two very different things. I have been dusting off this memory verse and putting it into action.
All the doing in the world doesn’t give your soul much needed whitespace to breathe.
Whitespace comes when we push the pause button on activity and give our souls a chance to SLOW DOWN.
Change happens subtly…
one pause at a time to give your soul a chance to breathe…
Who knows? You might be grown into a beautiful picture of Jesus at work in you and through you, to His creation, His children who need to know Him through you.
This book, Finding Spiritual Whitespace, is challenging, encouraging, hopeful and personal. Bonnie has shared her story courageously; that we may step forward in our stories as well. She invites us to pull up a chair and share…won’t you join the conversation?
Linking up today with FaithBarista over here:
learning to relax into His work in us…
love your header!
Thanks for lighting here HisFireFly! Yes we are in this together…for all eternity!
Yes, all those fears you listed. I like what you said that things still get “done” when we rest – maybe even more! since what is most important isn’t done by me at all. from one do-er to another – go for it – I mean, rest in it. love you. (so you are blogging? My email didn’t get this i don’t think – found you here.)
as far as my whitespace – i lent my book to Claire (: and I’m only trying to do social media on thursdays! Please pat me on the back. thanks, I needed that.
Sue~you are consistent in your hilarity! Keep leaning into Jesus and rest in that repose. He will nudge you forward when the time is right–His timing!