New New New! There is enthusiasm. Relief. Anticipation. New Year. New Day. New Attitude. If you’re a bandwagon-er you are probably also one who makes resolutions. My soon to be sis-in-law posted on Instagram today that their resolutions to eat less junk food and exercise more were broken on Day 1 when the cake they planned to take to a football party broke on its way from pan to plate for frosting. Instead of repairing it, they ate the broken cake with frosting on each bite. Resolution dissolution on Day 1.
Been there? Of course. Most regular people have difficulty with resolutions because they focus on negative behavior. Ironically, what we focus on is what we reinforce. So if we are trying to change something we can’t focus on what needs to change but rather what the is goal. All kinds of research in human behavior shows that if you want to be able to do something, you picture yourself doing that something. Focus on the positive result not the negative to be changed. Psych 101.
For decades I have been that person who wants to improve. Learn new things. Change old habits. Yes, lose weight. Eat healthier. Exercise more. Yada Yada Yada.
Well this new year of 2014 is a perfect storm of learning and application for me. If you’ve visited my blog before you already know the major life changes 2013 brought my way. All good but all of them very hard to walk through. Lots of tears. Lots of goodbyes. Lots of losses.
2014 is about New. New place. New church. New life. New Attitude.
I have read many great books near the end of 2013. I have begun applying new learnings. I have been encouraged by colleagues in new communities online. There is much to do. I could be overwhelmed with all the new applications, but instead of feeling fragmented and working down a list of things to do, I am choosing to focus. On just One Word.
Instead of a list of resolutions I have chosen My One Word. Resolve. It is a word to encompass all the lists. It is a noun meaning a firm determination to do something.
I am a great starter. I love to gather the info, the materials, all that is needed to accomplish a new idea or project. When we moved last year I was confronted with just how many projects and needed materials I had gathered! I have lacked follow through (to quote one of my dear family members) and that is a character flaw that I want (and need) to change. So my one word for 2014 is Resolve.
Resolve is a strong word. A firm determination. Not a ‘I-want-to-get-around-to-doing-that’ kind of word. Resolve is a ‘kick-butt-and-take-names’ kind of word. I want to be a woman of my word. I want to be known as a woman of The Word. Someone people can rely on; to trust to be full of wisdom and follow through; to complete what I’ve committed to.
I chose the picture of the sand dunes at Oceano as the back drop for the word Resolve since sands shift but Resolve does not.
The beauty of this word Resolve is that it aligns with God’s desire for me as I walk this life with Him. “Be steadfast (resolute) immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.”1Cor.15:58
If you are tired of making resolutions that fall apart the first day (like a cake I heard of) spend some time reflecting on a character trait you want to grow in your life.
Hop over to My One Word and join in the community. Take the step and commit yourself to just one word for 2014.
I RESOLVE to spend more time with Lisa by following along here on her Blog:-) I RESOLVE to find a way to spend some REAL time throughout the year with Lisa and other remarkable, nurturing, wise and God-Loving women of the Sisterhood. Bless you, Miz Lisa!
Thank you AnnE! I love this resolve! Let’s get it on the calendar soon so time doesn’t slip away… Blessings to you as well my dear Knowing Friend!