I’ve come to this season of Lent with an expectation: that I will see myself in light of God’s Word in new and deeper ways. Not too big a deal right?
The unfortunate side effect of looking with this expectation is that I see the harsh reality: as far as I’ve come in my journey toward God’s heart I still have so far to go! What used to discourage me instead reminds me of more Truth:
“Apart from Me you can do no good thing.” Jesus
This journey is with Jesus; equipped by His Spirit to teach and guide me.
The progress I’ve made in becoming more like Jesus is real, but just as real is the Truth that this journey doesn’t end in perfection here; this journey ends in the face to face Presence of God. This knowledge helps me relax and simply enjoy the journey a little more.
I’m learning to let go of the self-imposed pressure to keep pushing myself to do more.
We are called human beings not human doings.
Letting go of my self-imposed structure to make room for God and to allow the Holy Spirit to impress me with an action to take has been REALLY CHALLENGING for me. I’ve struggled to reframe my entire existence from
my value is dependent on what I do to
my value is inherent in whose I am.
This season of Lent I am becoming even more aware of the subtle places where I cling to “doing” instead of leaning into “being”.
How does this look for you?
“my value is inherent in whose I am.” That’s so good!