Do. Be. An apparent contrast in terms; but is it?
I have spent a majority of life in the doing arena. Get good grades. Do your best.
Striving for approval, recognition, acceptance. Our culture places value on achievement. We are trained up to fit in, act right, look a certain way, have an acceptable spouse with an acceptable career; live in a particular place, drive acceptable cars. The list goes on.
None of these things or goals are necessarily bad unless the motive behind the goal is bad. Bad motives? What would those be? The interpretation of motives depends on your worldview. By what measuring stick do you compare yourself?
With the measuring stick of the world, the list above will be evaluated by what is the biggest and best. Who determines what is best? Your peers? The advertising agencies? The opinions of your family and friends? The measuring stick fluctuates with the popular influence of culture. When have you arrived? When can you simply relax and enjoy life? How much is enough?
What if you wanted to change the stick, which measures you?
Unfortunately many who choose to walk along the Way as a Christ follower bring with them the measuring stick of the world and apply it to how they’re doing as a Christian. Suddenly without recognizing it, the life of faith takes on the life of the works focused world and relationship with God is sacrificed on the altar of performance: serving on committees, teaching Sunday school, leading a small group, helping with AWANA. Again, none of these activities is bad unless the motive for doing them is.
What if there is a different way? A way of living simply; a way of enjoying just being without striving for…whatever? Do or Be. Now that is the Quest.
There is a different Way.
Slow down. Get off the merry go round. Spend time alone with the Lord, in silence. Write in a journal. Sit still outdoors.
Listen to the birds. Focus on one sight or sound.
Be still and know…
Apparently this dichotomy has puzzled men throughout the ages:
“‘To be is to do’–Socrates.
‘To do is to be’–Jean-Paul Sartre.
‘Do be do be do’–Frank Sinatra”
Kurt Vonnegut
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