It’s day 2 of 21 Days of Rest. I love Bonnie’s question for today: How do like to enjoy a quiet moment?
It’s been here. At low tide. In the mornings. Alone with Jesus.
Now it’s here
Reflecting with Him on all that He has been doing in me this past year.
It has been a hard journey of letting go.
But my quiet, soul rest moments, below the surface of my circumstances, have been sweet and renewing.
He makes all things new.
A verse that He gave me to cling to in the quiet is Isaiah 43:19 : ” Behold I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”
There have been many wilderness moments this past year. Many times I cried out to Him ‘I do believe! Help me in my unbelief!’ like the father in Mark 9. I wanted to see with eyes of faith that He was doing something new in our lives and especially in my heart.
I have kept bumping up against old tapes telling me I have no value since I am not producing anything. My worth was always tied to my achievement. And then once achieved, the bar was raised to new heights, always just beyond the grasp of loved for who I am.
Jesus whispers to me: You are my beloved. AS you ARE. You are enough because you are Mine.
The clash of internals.
His Words of love, encouragement and acceptance. The voice of the one supposed to love me telling me not good enough.
This 21 Days of Rest is a beautiful capstone to the year of letting go and looking forward to the roadway in the wilderness of my heart, the river of Life in the desert of my soul.
Join in and share or simply read others’ words of rest.
as always, lisa, i appreciate your vulnerability, humility and willingness to share your heart – God does make all things new and He’s doing GREAT Things in you and dare I say, in me! Thanks for your encouragement!