Have you ever taken a personal inventory? You know, asking yourself honest, hard questions like where am I in this area of my life?
I am taking part in an online book study of Kim Avery’s book Uniquely You and Day 3 is all about taking inventory. In 8 areas of life we’re to honestly evaluate on a 1 – 10 scale: physical, career/ministry, financial, health, fun & recreation, personal growth, spiritual growth and relationship/marriage. I’d say that just about covers it.
As you can see my page is blank.
I have to confess, I gloss over things that I don’t like.
But I am in the season of confession and the idea of coming clean is kind of appealing.
Day 3 of Lent and Day 3 of this book study are melding into one big baring of my soul on paper.
I need prayer.
I am generally an honest person. Generally. If I don’t have something nice to say I try not to say anything at all. The Thumper Rule. (Bambi anyone?)
But generally is not good enough before God. One dishonest, glossed over point is still something that needs changing. It’s still sin in the eyes of a Holy God.
Oh how obvious it is to me how much I need Jesus!
I am pretty sure that awareness is part of the focus of Lent. Being honest in taking inventory and seeing how far I am from Christlikeness and how much I need my Savior.
Result? You might think guilt.
But interestingly for me it’s freedom. Coming clean is becoming clean. *sigh*
SO good! Join me?
I love this post Lisa. So true. I LOVE that: Coming clean is becoming clean! AND FREE! Thanks for sharing. This is “soul” food.
Pam I really appreciate you taking time to specifically comment. Glad we’re connecting!
Amen! Awareness…of how much we need our Savior! God bless you, Lisa!
Thank you for stopping by, Emily. I appreciate your comment, too.