I was privileged to participate in an amazing life-focusing experience recently. I participated in a group that read and discussed the book you see pictured above. This is my copy of this marvelous book by Kim Avery titled, Uniquely You:Discover Your Life Purpose. Notice the cover is bent and worn. Proof that I’ve opened it more than once!
I’ll tell you what, this book has been a fantastic, easy to read, and transformational tool that God has used in my life. No exaggeration. I would love all my friends and their friends and their friends’ friends to be able to read and interact with other women about this book. It’s that good. Really. That good.
Listen to these questions Kim asks:
- Do you feel overworked, overwhelmed and unfulfilled?
- Do you ever wonder if you are missing out on God’s best?
- Do you know and live out the purpose God has for YOU?
I asked Kim if I could offer a book group using Uniquely You. She said Yes! I’m so excited to be able to offer YOU a group! There are a couple of different opportunities to connect. I am offering two group options during the month of May:
Each group will meet all 5 Fridays for one hour either
- 1) in the mid-morning at my office, or
- 2) at noon PST on the phone through my bridge line (you can be anywhere!)
This book is easily read and discussed in a small group of about 5. It will take you a personal time commitment of 10 minutes a day each week. The book is written to be read in a 4 week format. I want to offer the discussion group for 5 weeks to give enough discussion and processing time. At the end of the book, you will have the option of a personal coaching session with me to allow you time for “What’s Next” after all you learn about yourself during our group time and through your individual reading times.
Interested? Want to know particulars?
Leave a comment below; email me through my website; message me on Facebook; direct message me through Twitter, or simply call me!
You need to act quickly because of both limits of space (5 in a group) and time (to order the books!)
Depending on the number of women interested, I am considering offering the group again during the summer. If your schedule prevents you from participating in either of these two times in May let me know.
Is there a cost? I’m terrible at finishing books I start but if I was in a group, I may actually do it! (Hard to believe a former homeschool Mom that doesn’t read very often!)
May would actually be less hectic than Summer but it can still be hectic and unpredictable these days. :/