I have been on an unadvertised blogging break for two months. The time has been spent reading & learning (I can’t help myself!). Of course there have also been great times with the Hubster, our two sons & one dear daughter-in-love at different times during the summer, but most often I’ve spent a lot of alone time reading & learning.
There are two women who consistently have crossed my daily electronic path and I think everyone needs to know about them if you don’t already. And if you do, give a shout out here to help others know them too!
I’m talking about Christine Caine and Holley Gerth. I’m not sure if they’ve made one another’s acquaintance but I read their words of encouragement daily. And I am either challenged or blessed or both!
Christine is daily posting on Instagram, writes a blog, has a weekly podcast called Coffee with Chris and has a new book just out titled Unstoppable. She is a passionate voice pointing us to Kingdom work in whatever manner God has called you. Google her name; you won’t be disappointed.
Holley Gerth is also a writer, encourager and fellow coffee afficiando. Her blog is called Coffee for your Heart. Holley is a generous creative person who freely shares wonderful graphics like this one:
Holley is a gifted encourager. It’s what she does. I have been blessed so many times in receiving her Instas or reading her blog. Google Holley Gerth and believe me you won’t be disappointed.
Yes maybe part of the reason I have been encouraged by both of these women is that they love coffee as much as I do. But more important than coffee (is that possible?!) is that these 2 Women have been given a platform for Kingdom building. They each faithfully step forward moment by moment and they share their journeys in a way that has helped my own.
I know God has plans for each of us to be involved in His mission and vision and His plans will prevail. Do you know what your part is? Are you stepping forward? Or are you searching, discerning or just waiting on the sidelines?
For I know the plans I have for you declares The Lord…
Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
God is at work. Join in what He’s doing in your part of the world. I’d love to hear what you’re up to!
It is so good to have you back and thanks for the recommendations of these two inspired women. Hope you aren’t gone for so long next time.
Thank you Libby! I will be writing here again regularly; was on a journey of listening that included setting aside writing for a time. Hope you enjoy getting to know Chris and Holley!